Helping Children in Child Care Learn Healthy Eating Habits

Children eating at red table

Child care providers play an important role in supporting young children who are overweight and obese. Teaching healthy food choices will give children an important tool to maintain a healthy weight as they grow. Here are a few ideas for child care providers trying to help young children feel good about their bodies and maintain a healthy body weight.

  • Remember that children come in all sizes. Children who are large or small for their age may be teased by their

Ways Child Care Providers Can Teach Young Children to Resolve Conflicts

Girls sharing Barbie doll

Many preschoolers have problems sharing, taking turns, and negotiating roles when they play together. These day-to-day conflicts are great opportunities for child care providers to help 3- to 5-year-olds practice the skills needed to resolve disagreements. Even the youngest preschoolers can learn the basics of conflict resolution with appropriate help and guidance from supportive child care providers. 

Benefits of Teaching Conflict Resolution to Young Children

Learning to handle conflicts in productive ways is an important social skill that children will …