Ways Child Care Providers Can Teach Preschoolers Self-Control

Children playing together in sandbox

Learning self-control is an ongoing process in each child’s development. Child care providers can play an important role in encouraging children to develop self-control through interactions, appropriate guidance, and child-directed activities. When encouraging children’s self-control, child care providers need to be sure their expectations are appropriate and realistic for the particular child. The child’s age can be an indicator of what to expect, but children of the same age can be at different developmental levels. Be sure to consider the

Why do some toddlers bite other children? How can child care providers prevent biting before it happens?

Biting is common among very young children, particularly in group settings such as child care. It is very important for child care providers to understand why children bite so that they can help children find more appropriate ways to express themselves.

There are many reasons why young children bite. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Children may be trying to express their independence and feel a sense of personal control.
  • Babies’ mouths are sore when teething; biting feels

Ways to Encourage Self-Help Skills in Children

Toddler with food on face

Children have a drive to be independent and do things on their own. This is a healthy part of normal child development. As children grow, they learn to do more and more tasks.

Child care providers can help young children become independent by allowing and encouraging them to take responsibility for themselves whenever possible. It can be faster and less messy to do things for children, but they learn so much from doing things for themselves. When children practice self-help …

Ways Child Care Providers Can Teach Young Children to Resolve Conflicts

Girls sharing Barbie doll

Many preschoolers have problems sharing, taking turns, and negotiating roles when they play together. These day-to-day conflicts are great opportunities for child care providers to help 3- to 5-year-olds practice the skills needed to resolve disagreements. Even the youngest preschoolers can learn the basics of conflict resolution with appropriate help and guidance from supportive child care providers. 

Benefits of Teaching Conflict Resolution to Young Children

Learning to handle conflicts in productive ways is an important social skill that children will …

Establishing Predictable Routines in a Child Care Setting

Picture schedule 2 300 pixels.jpgConsistent, predictable routines help young children understand the child care environment and feel secure. A regular routine enables children to reduce anxiety by knowing what is coming next. A well-planned routine will also help encourage children’s positive behavior by meeting their basic needs for eating, sleeping, active and quiet play, time alone, and time with other children.

Here are a few basic guidelines for setting up a consistent routine in your child care program:

  • Plan based on children’s ages. Children

Encouragement Is More Effective Than Praise in Guiding Children's Behavior

Adult hugging baby

Many child care providers try to help children feel confident by praising them. But encouragement is actually more effective than praise in building children’s confidence. But overusing praise can actually lower children’s self-esteem and make them more competitive and less cooperative.

The Difference Between Praise and Encouragement

Praise and encouragement are very different. Praise focuses on what the adult thinks or feels, and often includes a judgment such as “good.” Praise statements starting with “I like…” send a subtle message …

Tips for Child Care Providers to Soothe a Crying Baby

Crying baby close up

Caring for a baby who cries constantly can be exhausting and overwhelming for child care providers. It’s easy to get frustrated and angry when nothing you do seems to calm the baby down. Here are some ways to calm a crying baby (or several babies) in a group setting. But never shake a baby! If you shake a baby you can cause permanent damage or death. Babies have large heavy heads and weak neck muscles. When a baby is shaken, …

Tips for Preventing Repeated Biting in Child Care Programs

Smiling baby
Biting is one of the most frustrating behaviors facing child care providers. Unfortunately, there’s not a simple solution to stop all biting. The two keys to preventing future biting are to observe carefully and to plan for prevention.

Observing Biting Behaviors

If a child begins biting others, observe that child carefully. When and under what circumstances does biting occur? Who is the child biting? How does the biter react when the child they have bitten becomes upset? Is biting worse …

Dealing with Toddler Temper Tantrums in Child Care

Girl with curly hair crying

Temper tantrums are common in child care, especially in groups of toddlers. Children typically throw temper tantrums out of frustration. Understanding why tantrums happen and having quick strategies for handling and preventing tantrums can help child care providers maintain peace in the child care setting.

Understanding Temper Tantrums

Children throw temper tantrums for many reasons, some big and some small. When a square block won’t fit in a round hole, or their child care provider won’t let them climb on …

Tips for Parents to Handle Separation Anxiety When Leaving Your Child in Child Care

Crying baby girl

As young children grow and develop, they become more aware of the adults in their lives. Around 9 months of age, children learn how to distinguish one caregiver from another. When you get ready to leave your 9-month-old with her child care provider, she knows you are leaving. At the same time, she does not have enough experience in the world to realize that you will come back, so she feels anxiety. Many infants show this anxiety by crying, clinging …