Handling Challenging Behaviors in Child Care

Girl pouting

Sometimes children in child care have difficult days. They may cry, scream, bite, throw things, or act out in other ways that are very challenging to child care providers. Luckily, there are many different ways to handle these challenging behaviors. The following articles suggest some ways to deal with behaviors such as biting, crying, temper tantrums, and rivalry between children that may frustrate both you and the children’s families.


Tips for Child Care Providers to Soothe a Crying Baby

Crying baby close up

Caring for a baby who cries constantly can be exhausting and overwhelming for child care providers. It’s easy to get frustrated and angry when nothing you do seems to calm the baby down. Here are some ways to calm a crying baby (or several babies) in a group setting. But never shake a baby! If you shake a baby you can cause permanent damage or death. Babies have large heavy heads and weak neck muscles. When a baby is shaken, …