Child Care and Child Abuse and Neglect

Toddler covering face
Suspecting child abuse or neglect can be a difficult situation for a child care provider. The following articles provide valuable information for this situation. Learn how to identify abuse and neglect, as well as how to prevent and respond to abuse and neglect.

Guidelines for Child Care Providers on How to Report Suspected Abuse or Neglect

Serious woman

If you are a child care provider who suspects that a child in your care has been abused or neglected, it is essential that you report your suspicions. Child care providers are mandated reporters of abuse and neglect, and you can be held legally liable if you do not report abuse and a child dies.

How do you go about reporting your suspicions? Here are some basic steps:

  • Talk with your center director. If you work in a child care

What Child Care Providers Need to Know about Identifying Neglect

Toddler with dirty face


Neglect is the most common type of child abuse. Child care providers need to know how to identify neglect in young children.

Things Child Care Providers Should Know about Neglect

Child neglect is a failure to provide for children’s basic needs. Neglect can be physical (hunger or inadequate clothing in cold weather), medical (refusal to seek health care when a child clearly needs medical attention), educational (failure to enroll a child of school age), or emotional (chronic or extreme spouse …

What Child Care Providers Need to Know about Identifying Abuse and Neglect

Sad toddler boy

Child care providers are often the first people to notice that a child is being abused or neglected. Because child care providers spend so much time each day with children, they are likely to notice physical signs of possible abuse, such as bruises or burns, as well as changes in behavior that might indicate abuse.

In order to help children who are being abused or neglected, child care providers can learn how to recognize the signs or symptoms of different …