Things to Consider when Planning for Physical Activities in Child Care

Boy on wooden balance bike

Childhood obesity is a growing problem in early childhood. Child care providers can play an important role in preventing obesity by helping children stay active and learn the importance of physical activity. Here are 15 things to consider as you help the children in your child care program stay physically active.

  1. A major reason for the growth in the rate of childhood obesity is lack of exercise. Children today are less active, and the rates of childhood obesity are growing

Accommodating Special Diets in Child Care

Girl eating cheese and salami

Some children in child care have special dietary requirements. Food allergies, cultural and religious preferences, and vegetarian diets are common issues in a child care program. Child care providers, center directors, and parents need to work together in order to ensure that children with special dietary needs receive appropriate foods.

Talk with Parents about Special Dietary Needs

Planning to accommodate a child’s special dietary needs should begin before that child is enrolled in the child care program. The program director …

Make Mealtimes in Child Care Pleasant, Easy and Appealing

Children eating in child care

Creating enjoyable mealtimes and snacks in a child care program will help young children learn health eating habits and develop positive attitudes toward food. Consider the following tips to make the meal experience positive for children in your child care program.

  • Make mealtimes pleasant. Show your enthusiasm for healthy foods. Children will feel more comfortable if you sit with them and share the same meal. Spend time in positive conversation, and make mealtimes relaxed.
  • Help children learn self-help skills. Starting

Tips for Child Care Providers to Promote Healthy Attitudes about Food

Toddler eating pear

As children grow and experience new foods, child care providers may notice changes in eating habits or attitudes about certain foods. The following are important tips for child care providers to prevent unhealthy attitudes about food.

  • Accept different levels of food intake. Never force a child to eat. It is normal for children to eat a lot one day and almost nothing the next. If you offer choices from each of the food groups every day, children will adjust and