Take Time to Savor Meals and Snacks in Child Care

Boy eating orange at table with other children

Child care providers play a crucial role in helping young children learn healthy eating habits. Mealtimes and snacks in child care can be great learning opportunities for young children. Children can learn to identify and choose a variety of foods, practice language skills, and build relationships with teachers and other children. Child care providers can help make mealtimes a learning experience by setting up a relaxed, unhurried mealtime. Here are some tips to make mealtimes a relaxed and enjoyable time …

Make Mealtimes in Child Care Pleasant, Easy and Appealing

Children eating in child care

Creating enjoyable mealtimes and snacks in a child care program will help young children learn health eating habits and develop positive attitudes toward food. Consider the following tips to make the meal experience positive for children in your child care program.

  • Make mealtimes pleasant. Show your enthusiasm for healthy foods. Children will feel more comfortable if you sit with them and share the same meal. Spend time in positive conversation, and make mealtimes relaxed.
  • Help children learn self-help skills. Starting