Age-Appropriate Toy Ideas for Child Care

Choosing the best toys for children of different ages is one of the most important jobs of a child care provider. Matching toys to children’s age, ability, interests, and developmental goals requires careful thought and planning.

Even though children have different abilities and preferences, there are some classic toys that most groups of young children enjoy at different ages. The following ideas may help you get started choosing toys for different age groups. Remember that these lists are just a …

Things to Consider when Choosing Toys and Materials for Child Care

Snap lock beads

Choosing appropriate toys and materials is an important part of the child care provider’s job. There’s no one right toy for all ages. To decide on the best toys for a specific child care program or classroom, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How old are the children? Infants just learning to crawl need very different toys than active preschoolers or curious school-age children.
  • What are the children most interested in right now? Young toddlers who are developing motor skills may