Toy Safety in Child Care



Toy dinosaur

Toys are an important part of children’s learning in child care, but providers need to choose carefully to keep children safe. According to U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates, in one year, 150,000 toy-related injuries were serious enough to require hospital emergency room treatment. Falls are the most frequent kind of accident, but many serious injuries result from children swallowing small parts, placing tiny toys in noses or ears, and from cutting themselves on sharp edges. The following suggestions can

First Aid in Child Care

First aid kit close-up

As a child care provider, you know that unintentional injuries will happen from time to time. The best way to handle an unintentional injury is to be prepared before it happens. When you know how to respond in an emergency, and have the supplies you need, you are confident and can respond in a timely manner.

Creating First Aid Kits

Injuries do happen, despite the best prevention efforts. A well-stocked first aid kit is an absolute must in every child …