Preparing a Vehicle Safety Kit for Your Child Care Program

First aid bag

Field trips can be valuable learning experiences for young children in a child care program. Unfortunately, emergencies can happen on these outings. However, with careful planning, child care providers can help ensure that children are safe and that you are prepared to handle minor emergencies. A vehicle safety kit will help you be prepared for breakdowns, minor medical emergencies, and other challenges such as unexpected bad weather. A well-stocked vehicle safety kit will help you handle unexpected problems on the road.Here are some items to include in your vehicle safety kit:

  • first aid supplies (sterile bandages, gauze, gloves, etc.)
  • tire gauge
  • jumper cables
  • emergency flares
  • small, waterproof flashlight and extra batteries
  • candles and matches for cold climates
  • sunscreen
  • Mylar emergency blankets (enough for all passengers)
  • radio (wind-up, battery free)
  • bottles of water
  • cell phone and charger that uses the accessory plug in your car dashboard
  • emergency phone numbers, including a local emergency room, an emergency road service provider, and the regional poison control center
  • signed emergency release forms for all children, including phone numbers of parents and other emergency contacts
  • photos of children, in case you are separated from them

Store the vehicle safety kit in the car, van, or bus. Check supplies at least once every three months, and replenish supplies each time the kit is used. 

For More Information

To learn more about vehicle safety in child care, and for more ideas on how to stock and use a first aid kit, check out the following eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care articles: